Arielle Tye

Head of Digital

Arielle has over 15 years of experience working with young people and communities, supporting them to have a voice and participate in the design and development of services.    

She is a leader in her field, carrying out a wide range of research and design projects, working across the Public and Third Sector, including Public Health Wales, The Money and Pensions Service and National Lottery Community Fund Wales.   

Her specialist area is co-designing services, ensuring they reflect the needs of people and are effective for providers.   

She is passionate about youth work and delivers training to young people in Radio Skills as part of the Wales Millennium Centre’s Radio Platfform.    

Arielle co-founded Tech4Good UK, a community of network organisers working to promote the use of technology for social good.  

If you want to build better with your community, Arielle would love to talk.