
40 tools for creating human connection through your digital services

Awdur: Joe Roberson; Amser Darllen: 2 munud
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These tools will help you create moments of restorative connection with your users online. Moments that go some way to replicating those small moments of connection that using your service or visiting your centre offers.

No one in any sector has created anything like these tools. They have been tested with charities. And they work.

“The social sector ‘does’ human connection better than any other. We live and breathe it. It’s who we are and what we care about. It’s in the services we deliver and the shared ‘moments in-between’, with smiles and small kindnesses, and often over tea. This expertise, along with Covid and the rapid development of Tech for Good services, has given us the opportunity and the motivation to address human connection in digital.” – Matt McStravick, Deepr

The framework

The tools are part of a framework that includes:

  • 10 principles to guide the work of creating human connection through digital
  • Five conditions necessary for human connection. Charities are well placed to foster these conditions.
  • 40 tools (or methods) for creating the five conditions in any service or working culture
  • A six step guide to implementing the principles and experimenting with the tools

The framework was created by the Deepr team and funded by Catalyst. It builds on Deepr’s existing work into empathic interaction and relational wellbeing

Download tools and framework for free

Go to the framework (you’ll need to enter your email address for a link to download it all).

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