TSD Resources
Halyna Soltys | 2 August 2023
As a non-profit organisation, your time, money and resources are important. Choosing the right productivity platform is crucial to streamlining work, improving collaboration across staff and teams, and optimising resource management. A productivity platform is an application or program that lets you produce and create documents, graphs, presentations, databases, etc. The two leading platforms are […]
Halyna Soltys | 21 July 2023
ProMo Cymru had the pleasure of working with young people at the North Ely Youth Centre, Cardiff, recently after being commissioned to create a mural, which turned out beautifully! The centre renovated its garden area a few years ago and was keen to finish it off with an eye-catching mural to decorate the space. Following ProMo Cymru’s […]
Halyna Soltys | 28 June 2023
What does the future of mental health services look like for young people? On Thursday, 8th June, ProMo-Cymru and Adferiad Recovery delivered a coproduced online conference about the future of mental health support for young people in Wales. The conference was part of the ‘Our Minds Our Future‘ (OMOF) Wales project. This project empowers young […]
Halyna Soltys | 14 March 2023
Promo-Cymru is happy to welcome Lucy Palmer as our Digital Marketing Assistant. She will be helping us to speak with more young people and manage our growing TikTok presence. Lucy started at ProMo-Cymru through a work experience placement arranged by Go Wales (now Career Confident) at the start of 2022. She ran a week-long campaign on the […]
TSD Resources
Halyna Soltys | 8 March 2023
We use Notion at ProMo Cymru to make files easier to find and simplify project management. We wanted to share our experiences using the tool and how it helps us as a non-profit. In the last few years, we’ve grown from 25 staff to 40, from delivering 10 projects a year to 70. While this […]
Halyna Soltys | 3 March 2023
TheSprout, an online information and blogging platform for young people managed by ProMo-Cymru, co-produced a sexual health campaign with the support of YMCA Cardiff’s Sexual Health Outreach Team (SHOT): Healthy Relationships Service. In November 2022, we launched the two-week Frisky Not Risky campaign on TheSprout’s website and social media channels. TheSprout supports and engages young people to […]
Halyna Soltys | 2 October 2022
TheSprout, an online blogging and information site for 11-25’s in Cardiff, took Pride Cymru as an opportunity to speak to young people from all across Wales about what LGBTQ+ Pride meant to them. Lucy and Megan, two young staff members from ProMo Cymru, the non-profit organisation that manages TheSprout, went to the Pride Cymru 2022 festival to speak […]
Tania Russell-Owen | 22 September 2022
ProMo-Cymru is pleased to announce that we have been awarded the contract to run the Meic helpline service, commissioned by Welsh Government for up to £2.3 million pounds. Based on review, the service will continue to run for another five years. Meic is a rights-based helpline aimed at children and young people under 25 in Wales. […]