Alex | 22 February 2023
*Note: the original version of this resource presented the concept of antiracism as the opposite to racism without attributing its origin to Black scholar Ibram X Kendi. This was a mistake, for which we apologise. The updated version below includes full reference to Kendi’s work. Language is part of liberation. When we take racism, […]
Alex | 22 February 2023
Working on a homepage can feel like a high-stakes project. It’s the shop window for your charity. Your stakeholders all want a say. And there’s a lot of pressure to create something perfect. You can make it less intimidating by taking a user-focused approach, starting with content, and letting go of the idea of perfection. […]
Alex | 22 February 2023
Content design. Designing content. It’s more important for your charity’s website than you probably think. It’s important because you will have a website and people will read (or scan) your site. It’s especially important if your readers are stressed, have cognitive difficulties or are overwhelmed in any way. Your content wants to help them, not […]
Alex | 20 February 2023
This resource will help you understand why user interviews are important, how they aren’t about ‘getting feedback’, and what your questions should focus on. Read Part 2: what makes good and bad interview questions. The main user research event User interviews are the main event in your user research. User research is the first stage […]
Alex | 8 February 2023
This article will help you write a strong digital funding application. Its tips will help you apply both to digitally confident funders and those with less experience. You should read this article after reading How to get ready to apply for digital grant funding. Implement its advice before you start your application. That way you […]
Alex | 8 February 2023
Your website is more than a window into your charity. It’s a tool for identity, service delivery, and organisational growth. It’s even a tool for income generation if you choose it. Most importantly it’s a place for your users to get information that is relevant for them. “If your users don’t feel that your website’s […]
Alex | 8 February 2023
This guide provides an overview of the online working activities carried out by UK charitable organisations, and addresses a range of privacy and data protection issues they are likely to encounter. It includes checklists, practical advice and resources to help understand and manage online activity. This guide provides introductory level detail and links to other […]
Tania Russell-Owen | 8 February 2023
So you need to get a project done? You have all the agile certification training, the process maps and a thousand-card backlog. But most of all, you have a team. How do you get them to deliver? You don’t. You enable them to do it. Simple, right? So how do you lead a successful digital […]
Alex | 8 February 2023
Many of us will be familiar with the digital skills gap on charity boards. It’s a common challenge that we hear from many. As is lack of diversity. As is user research with diverse communities when designing digital services. 1. Digital skills at board level: the problem The 2022 Charity Digital Skills Report quantifies the […]
Tania Russell-Owen | 8 February 2023
Psychological safety improves team performance. It has particular value for teams collaborating on digital projects. This resource is for: Senior leaders wanting to create the conditions for digital transformation in their charity Team leaders who want to build high performing teams Team members Stakeholders who want to contribute to an open and productive team culture […]
Alex | 8 February 2023
When I was growing up in the West of Ireland in the 1970s, a new company started called Digital Equipment Corporation. It became known locally as ‘Digital’, and 600 people worked there when it opened. These days, around the world, nearly everyone I know works at a variation of ‘Digital’, using technology and some of […]
Tania Russell-Owen | 8 February 2023
A few months ago I was looking to curate some advice for a client. Their organisation was in the early phases of digital transformation – by which I mean the to move to using technology in a more strategic way for the entire organisation. The organisation was large, extremely complex, and in some ways quite […]