Service Design
Helping organisations to design better services with people.

Our approach combines our experience in youth work, community organising, co-design, cultural engagement and is underpinned with our thinking in digital creativity.
The steps we take with you and your community…
Creating conversations on what matters. Using participatory research ProMo will help you talk with your communities. Engaging by digital, face to face, group discussion and listening to your expertise. Our combined insights will allow us to see the full scope of your challenge.
We do more than talk. In order to test ideas, we create digital or physical prototypes and take those to the community. You will see how people use what we have built, and we will learn what works together. You and the people you work with have the answers, we help you find and develop them.
We uncover fresh insights from our conversations. ProMo will work with you, your community and any stakeholders, analysing our discussions and research to see what solutions will make the biggest change. Drawing on our experience of behavioural insights and digital service co-creation to design the best way forward.
At this stage, you will have been on a journey and learnt what works for your community. Now it is time to implement it. We will give you the tools, training and skills needed to succeed.
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