
Delivering real change with clients and partners.

We engage, involve, employ young people and communities to design more equitably.

Three staff members sat around a table smiling.

Informing, educating and empowering the third sector in Wales with digital.

Training and Consultancy

Third Sector Digital Support

Service Design

Wales’ leading one-stop information, advice and advocacy resource for children and young people up to the age of 25.

Digital Youth Work


Group of young people sat on the carpet, smiling.

Empowering young people to create and implement a vision for a more resilient and mentally healthy future.

Service Design

We supported young people to inform Ofcom’s strategy by educating and talking with their peers on how algorithms shape social media content.

Digital Youth Work

Children and adults of various ages gathered in front of the Pierhead building in Cardiff Bay.

Equipping teachers and young people with digital, creative, and storytelling skills, creating confidence to explore, connect to, and celebrate their community history. 


Screenshot from the Butterflies Video

Working with Sarah McCreadie, a 25yo old spoken word artist, to create a healthy relationship campaign for the Meic helpline.

Digital Youth Work

A graphic of a microscope hovering over colourful abstract elements.

Bringing the Service Design methodology into youth work with nine leading youth organisations across Europe.

Service Design

Cardiff’s main communication channel for young people. It averages 5,000 articles and 10,000 monthly visits.

Digital Youth Work

Our Minds Our Future Logo on black background

Giving young people the opportunity to influence the way mental health services are designed and run across the UK.

Digital Youth Work

A cartoon scene showing a doctor and child patient in a hospital room. The child looks angry with arms crossed as the doctor reads a prescription.

Supporting young people to share their experiences and producing a video on the importance of Children’s Rights.
